Monday, December 03, 2012

Behavior Gyaan

Well I have a subject called the Organisational Behavior(OB) in my current Term at the University which made me go through some self evaluation tests. The purpose of the Professor was solved to some extent for sure since it made me introspect(not sure about others in class) and help me in observing some of everyday behavior in details. So get ready for philosophy and psychology gyaan.

Now the first part of the exercise is done of finding own mistake and second which is correcting the behavior should be starting sometime soon hopefully.
  1. Its fairly easy to pick up others fault and criticize without even thinking.
  2. During a lecture if you are discussing something with your neighbor you are either resolving your own query or solving his doubts.
  3. While if someone else does the same thing, you feel they are morons :-) (cant they do it later) since the murmur created is disturbing the class/session especially when batch strength is closer to 80s.
  4. Its difficult to admit own mistakes especially when someone else had pointed it out, it would be easy when you have realized it yourself.
  5. You always have an idea or solution to a problem/issue and you feel that's the best way to handle it.

The list can be pretty long but I better wind it up. The post was started few days back but couldn't find time to complete it and what better time to complete it when you are supposed to attempt 2 mid term papers in the morning and you stay awake late to study and then you realize you can study a subject to understand and apply it but its impossible to complete it when you know you would be evaluated on how much have you retained. BTW one of 2 the papers is OB and that's how I came back to the blog. Keeping fingers crossed as they say I am sure I would manage the grades though I haven't prepared for it just like the good old engineering days :-).

Oh I forgot to add the funny part one of the tests described me as "The Doer" kind of guy who wants to get the hands dirty and make things work (to which I agree largely). While I was going through the description it also stated that these kind of people are not good at theory and give little or no importance hence they not good at higher education since it deals mostly with theories. Now it makes me wonder if I did a right thing to opt for studies again :-P.

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