Sunday, August 04, 2013

The Inevitable

There are times when you find the right words automatically without an effort and then there are moments when even after efforts you still don't. As mentioned in one of my previous posts that July was a big month for professional and personal changes, I moved to Ahmedabad and joined the team at ICICI where I would eventually be working. On personal front I got engaged to a lovely person, though I was always apprehensive on how arranged marriages work but I feel we got enough time to know each other and decided to move ahead.

So let me introduce my fiancée (Ankita - pic below) the Miss X of the post-> "The First". I was home for a little more than a week in mid July between my term break and it was decided that we needed some ceremony for making the relationship official. What was intended to be small family affair turned out to be fairly grand event though it was just the families (rather extended families) from both sides. I had to move back for my internship exactly the day after we got engaged and hence we couldn't spend much time together.

As usual when I start blogging there are multiple threads, this time its not an exception too. My to-do list is increasing and I am wondering how to pace upto it. Well dancing is something which I have always enjoyed watching other people, but going on dance floor myself has been always embarrassing. I have always wanted to learn atleast a few basic steps so that it can be avoided but since I wasn't a party guys had been procrastinating it. When I was based out of Baroda, our mentor threw a party before we were leaving and I realized that I need move up the priority of this to-do task to avoid embarrassment again.

The ADHM is approaching  and its time I start practising since its about 3 months from now and there hasn't been any physical activity off-late. I guess I would keep the remaining threads for the next post, before I wrap-up here the little disclaimer that the title of the post only means that it was just a matter of time/convenience for the ceremonies. And Miss X is the convention which stays since I love it till I find a better word :-).